Friday, December 23, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Jubilee again

Just because I love her! *sigh*

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Meeting Doodles

Because I either don't have the time to draw anything outside of work, or I just don't like what I've done, here are some doodles I scribble down during our many meetings at work (I'm paying attention, I swear). Aaaanyhoo, I've got a lot going on, but I'll be sure to wiggle some personal stuff in there soon. P.S. Batman Arkam Asylum is AMAAAAAAZING!!!! A MUST PLAY!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


So most of my friends and family know that I've been working on an illustration project for well over a year now. My first real "proper job" in illustration. I've been working with an amazing writer called Els Buggenhout and have putting together a school book for preschoolers to first graders that is being published by DeBoeck in Belgium. The project is now winding down with only a couple of weeks left on it. And it's been everything from brilliant to challenging to just down right weird. But In any case I'm so proud of all the work we've done on it and also so pleased to be almost done. So this mammoth of a project is the reason why I've been sooo behind on blogging over the last year, and just because I'm so proud of all the work we've done I thought I'd post a tease of just a couple of the literally HUNDREDS of illustrations that I've made.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Mack n' Ju over slept

So Ju and I are away on Fuerteventura and it's sooooooo lovely, but it almost never happened. The reason being, we horribly overslept on the morning of the flight, not by just a measly 15 minutes or anything, no! When we do something, we do it right, a whopping HOUR AND A HALF!!! But we still managed to get here some how, Thanks to be Jebus!

And just to show you how dedicated I'm trying to be, here's a pic of where I am while drawing this blog post. Plus I'm being all douchy and showing off, mwahahaha!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Undead Inlaws

Here's some sketches and stuff I did for a pitch idea. It'll never get made... but ah well, they were fun to make. I love me some Zombies

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Oldies - Story idea

So these were sketches I did aaages ago for a small comic book idea. Since I've dropped the idea but some of these were quite fun, so I thought I might as well pop them up here. Whoot!


I don't think I ever put this on here... made over a year ago now... wow... This was the invitation I did for when me and my Ju got pacsed (married but for the gays ;-)

4th Batizado in Luxembourg

Right so, I need to blog more. Get myself more in the swing of things and all that, or else I feel like I've not done anything... Aaaanyway, this is a design I did for a flyer/t-shirt for a Capoeira event. Those of you who dont know what Capoeira is, check it out on youtube, it's brill!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fais dodo bébé mon petit...

... fais dodo mon cher petit...

Friday, June 24, 2011


Just for fun!

Inspired by the slppe talkin' man's blog, check him out!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Grenadine et Mentalo aka Grenadine and Peppermint

Here's a teaser vid of Grenadine and Peppermint, the show that's taken up so much of my life for the past year. It was a fantastic experience and I learned sooooo much on it! I really hope it does out there in the big wide world. Let me know what you think of it and if you see it on TV near you.

Générique "Grenadine & Mentalo" par patoon2

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Ju - watching TV


Life drawing at the fabrique

At work we do some life drawing sessions every now and then.
They're really good fun. Need to do some more!

Sketch Crawl

Sketch crawl page from aaaages ago! Sooo lazy!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Professor Esquilo - RIP

Yesterday we lost our friend Esquilo.

One of the worlds greatest Capoeiristas.

He was a fantastic trainer, friend and person to very many.

His happy nature will be sorely missed.

o seu Nome esta gravado na Historia da Capoeira

Professor Esquilo

um grande Capoeira se foi, hoje esta jogando angola com Pastinha

no Berimbau com Aberré, cantando com Valdemar

ao lado do Mestre Bimba

Deus esteja com voçé

Friday, April 15, 2011

Jumble - Space Lady

Did this real quick right after my lunch break at work as a pat on my back for finishing an episode early! Whoop whoop! Haven't blogged anything in SUCH a long time, Bad me! BAD!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Been a while - soooorry!

Heya! I've been soooo bad! And I feel really poo that I've not done hardly any blogging or much random illustrations either. I know that it's a good thing that I've been so busy, but I really wish that there was another day of the week that could be "Random-drawing-day". I need that day! Because this whole 7 day week jobby is not doing it for me! Anyway, this is my official request to the powers-that-be, whoever he, she, they are! GIVE US A NEW DAY!!! ---- Thanks!

In any case, here's an oldie from about... maaybe a year ago! An invite to Serge and Christines Wedding! Not put this on the blog until now, so that it would be a surprise for the guests and then because I forgot about it! Lallalalaalaaaa! Anyway, here it is!



Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Jubilee is BACK!!

I'm so glad she's back!So glad that I had to do a quick fanart just to celebrate this!
Eventhough they ACTUALLY turned her into a sadd ass emo Vampire without her mutant power (BLERGH) I'm still pleased as punch that she's back in our lives! Whoop Whoop!!